She is like the girl next door, the mom that has it all together, and the cute girl you'd expect to see on a date all tied into one. Her slanted half smile and girlish glint in her eye are mesmorizing on screen and off.

She is truly America's Sweetheart. Few actresses have spent so many years in front of the camera. She's grown from an adorable little actress, to a blossoming beauty. She's taken her look and run with it into an efforless glamour. This woman looks great in jeans, and sexy in a designer gown.

This is a woman who has been through trials and come out on top. She handles herself with grace in her personal and public life. She is proof that motherhood doesn't tarnish timeless elegance.

Fashionably forward, Iman has created an iconic image of beauty, fashion, and an eye for great design. Her look and creations are simply mesmerizing.
"We must never confuse elgance with snobbery."
- Yves Saint Laurent, iconic French designer