Monday, December 17, 2007

Season's Greetings

It's happening again... Every year about this time the tension builds. Do you have all the presents bought? Did you get enough? The right things? The wrappings? Is the tree up? Is the house ready for guests? What will you serve? What parties will you attend? Do you have anything to wear????
It's time to stop and take a breath. Holidays aren't about smothering each other in gifts we may not even need. Holidays aren't about fighting crowds, throwing lavish parties, or making SURE THIS IS THE BEST HOLIDAY SEASON EVERYONE HAS EVER SEEN!
Focus on what really matters. Play in the snow with the kids, make snow angels, have a snowball fight. Let them stay up late, reading books or telling family stories. Cuddle a little longer, linger over coffee a little later. Take in the moments. Be with people who make you happy. Give small, meaningful things that come from the heart. Or just make a card by hand.
Make things that stir up old memories by the aroma and smell of home. Volunteer some time. Talk to someone who looks lonely. Start the year off fresh, with a new outlook. The best times are here, today. This is what we can celebrate.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Life in Miniature

Ben Thomas, part architect/part 3-D artist, recreates cities into tiny reconstructions. True to scale, his WEBSITE explains the concept for the creations.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thread Show, Seattle Winter 2007

Just got back from the Thread Show in Seattle. Nothing like waking up to a winter storm and trekking downtown for a good day of shopping! To be honest though, the turnout was disappointing. The regular throng of eager Seattlelites trickled after the first hour. Vendors typically left with sparse goods were adding more discounts by the end-- nothing to complain about there. I ended up with a leather wristwatch with a delicate chain for half price, able to double as a funky wrist adornment.
If you missed it, you can always visit Baba Yaga Beadwork, The Makeup Project, or Cleo Wolfus Designs--Just a glance at some of the notables

Make It Right 9

Have you heard of Make It Right 9 ? Endorsed by Brad Pitt, the clothing company markets its products to be "forward-thinking" and "green," giving back to humanitarian efforts through donation and sales.

The hat often seen worn by Brad? $30 HERE

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Victoria's Secret 2007

Heidi Klum was just one of the highlights this year, post baby no less.

Twelve By Twelve

Twelve by Twelve is the newest line offered by Fovever 21. New additions encompass more looks for the same, low prices. Below are my top picks:

Newsboy Hat $19

Friday, December 7, 2007

Thread Show

It's that time again-- The Thread Show in Seattle is happening this Sunday at the Freemont Studios. This is a great place to shop private designers and one-of-a-kind fashions, some at fantastic discounts!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Midnight Fashion Show

I was asked last-minute to model Saturday for a low-key fashion show, coordinated by the same people who worked with Unzipped. The Seattle fashion scene, I've found, is tightly knit and brimming with opportunities for everyone to get their feet wet... at least to one degree or another. The community has been welcoming.

I walked for designer Erica Ray, who does an streetwear style with spray-painted trucker hats and urban-wear t-shirt designs. Lo-fi gallery was the venue for Midnight Market's Show, a funky little bar/music venue with a loft and two rooms, brick walls, and tight spaces that get you up close and personal with patrons.

I sipped wine, chatting up girls I've done shoots with, modeled with, and gotten to know through various fashion connections. It was like falling back into good times with familiar faces. We caught up, strutted our stuff, and made new contacts. A good night, despite the first frigid snowstorm of the year!