Monday, December 17, 2007

Season's Greetings

It's happening again... Every year about this time the tension builds. Do you have all the presents bought? Did you get enough? The right things? The wrappings? Is the tree up? Is the house ready for guests? What will you serve? What parties will you attend? Do you have anything to wear????
It's time to stop and take a breath. Holidays aren't about smothering each other in gifts we may not even need. Holidays aren't about fighting crowds, throwing lavish parties, or making SURE THIS IS THE BEST HOLIDAY SEASON EVERYONE HAS EVER SEEN!
Focus on what really matters. Play in the snow with the kids, make snow angels, have a snowball fight. Let them stay up late, reading books or telling family stories. Cuddle a little longer, linger over coffee a little later. Take in the moments. Be with people who make you happy. Give small, meaningful things that come from the heart. Or just make a card by hand.
Make things that stir up old memories by the aroma and smell of home. Volunteer some time. Talk to someone who looks lonely. Start the year off fresh, with a new outlook. The best times are here, today. This is what we can celebrate.

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