When it comes to fashion, we all have a few things that simply make our skin crawl and avert our eyes. It might be a red carpet flop, a runway disaster, or a bystander on the street that catches the blame, but nevertheless, fashion eyesores are all around us. One of my "Fashion Peeves" is panty hose or tights worn with open toe shoes.
Here we have Helen Mirren, just one example of my personal fashion "no-no." The eye skims down her beautifully cut dress to--- agast! What is that?! Stocking-covered toes peeking out from her strappy footwear. No, no, no, Helen... your stylist was either very wrong, or obviously let you sink this one on your own.
Here is another example of a "cute-sy" fashion statement that leaves our candy striper faceless. (On purpose, I'm sure.) On a two-year old, I could call this cute. In a grade school play, maybe appropriate. But anywhere else, and you're never going to be taken seriously.
Instead, go for a more natural look and opt to bare those toes. If you only exfoliate, use a tinted moisturizer, and get a good pedicure, there's no need to cover up. Take my advice, and the extra prep will be well worth the outcome.