Thursday, August 16, 2007

What is 'Encantadora'?

I'm often asked about this, and recently found a quote that gives a proper explaination. With some editing, it just fits:

Once in a while, when it's totally appropriate, enchant someone. A man. Another woman. The group sitting at the next table. Enchant with your voice, giving it lilt and just a hint of mystery. Say something in spanish and if no one understands, so much the better. Enchant with your eyes, at once provocative and conspiratorial. Let them twinkle. Enchant with your smile, with fingers that flutter like the softness and care of a dove. Enchant someone by dancing, getting caught up in the moment, by sitting beside the lake and conversing with the ripples of glinting moonlight.

Be the enchantress who brings a certain something they can't quite define, who fills the room with mirth and magic, and who leaves them all a bit befuddled, entirely entranced, and touched. Somehow changed for it.

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